Sunday was a day of great anticipation for me as I had only 2 goals for the day. One was to check out what I am calling "the world's largest flea market," and the other was my attempt to attend my first professional European soccer game. I don't know anything about European soccer, or about the team from Rome that was playing in Olympic Stadium, so I felt confident I was going to screw something up and never get to the game. But that would have to wait for the afternoon.
On Sunday morning I walked almost an hour each way to find this huge flea market, and even though I was only there for about 45 minutes, the 2 hours of walking was well worth it. Totally blown away by the size of this thing, and just the random collection of stuff everyone was selling.

I'm still trying my best not to acquire too many souvenirs or anything else because my backpacks are completely full, it already feels like I might have permanent shoulder damage, and I have roughly 2 more months of carrying all my garbage around. But there were 3 things I would have considered buying at this flea market: 1). Socks: some of mine are starting to get holes in them, and I really don't want to have only 3 pairs of socks. 2). A watch: I have the 1 watch with me that I've been wearing everywhere (since I have no phone, it's my only way to tell time), but I would buy a cheap watch that wasn't as nice so I feel less bad as I'm beating it up everyday. 3). A t-shirt or other paraphernalia of the soccer team I was going to see later, you know, so I'd fit in like a real fan.
I was unsuccessful with items 1 & 2, but as you can see, item 3 was a big success.

I really appreciated the wide array of crap I could buy from 1 vendor at this flea market. For instance, I could have bought jewelry, Xbox360 audio/video cords, woman's underwear, a swiss army knife, and an Italian-dubbed version of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" DVD...all from the same guy. At one point when I was looking at a table that had all this stuff, the guy tugged my arm a bit to try to convince me to buy something. I wanted to tell him, "Sir, I appreciate what you have to offer, especially at these low low prices, but if I buy all of these things, I'm gonna have to visit that next table to buy some more luggage." I didn't think he'd understand me, so I just put my iPod on and walked away.
Now it was time to head to the stadium for Lazio vs. U.C. Sampdoria (from Genoa, Italy). I put on my new t-shirt at the hostel, and then hopped on the train. Like I said, I bought the t-shirt to feel like a true fan, and I did indeed accomplish that, but here are a few reasons why it might not have been the best idea:
-multiple people on the train/bus asking me what stop we get off for the stadium (no clue, actually)
-as I was trying to find the ticket office, which was a few blocks away from the stadium, again I had people asking me the same question, where do they go for tickets
-on the bus, an old guy asked me if a certain player on Lazio was still injured ("good question, I think he either comes back this game or next," was my answer)
-what I mentioned above are just the things I was asked in English; I also had many people trying to say things, presumably about our team, in Italian. That went over well.
-when I was finally at the stadium, both before & during the game, there was lots of scripted chants for Lazio and lots of screaming about bogus calls from the refs. Of course I couldn't really play along with any of this. Felt some confused looks coming my way most of the time.
Regardless of all that, I was successful in getting a ticket--15 euros--and had pretty decent seat near one of the goals. Here are some more pictures & comments:

On Monday, I had a great time seeing the Vatican Museums, St. Peter's, and a few more things that aren't really noteworthy. I was up at 7:30 to get my ass over to the Vatican because I've heard lines start forming early. Sure enough, I got there before it opened, but still had to wait in a pretty long line.

After the Vatican Museums, St. Peter's square/church were next on the list. Real long line to get into the church, but it moved surprisingly quickly.

Ok, now that we're through with the usual sightseeing, it's time to talk a bit about Monday night's "Steps of Rome Pub Crawl." I had no intention of doing this pub crawl as I had a "date" with 3 German girls who told me the night before they could beat me in Beer Pong. Someone convinced me to go, and my job was to convince these 3 girls to go with us. We played a couple games of Beer Pong early on (I beat them twice), and over the course of those 2 games, they went from "We're too tired to go out all night," to "Where do we sign up for the Crawl?"
Anyway, nothing crazy exciting went on, except for the fact that I met a person who knows one of my former BU roommates really well. So Anthony, if you read this, Chris from Westborough says Hi.
I'm now going to present you all with a bunch of facts I know from this night, and it's your job to develop a story on what might have actually happened. This has nothing to do with me, but instead these 2 Australian girls I met at the first bar. Here we go...
-during the 1st hour of drinking, I met 2 best friends from Australia. One was a blonde girl, one was a brunette (only relevant so I can distinguish between them since I don't know their names).
-at the 3rd bar, some of the girls on the Pub Crawl were letting guys do body shots off them. If you don't know what that means, too bad. This is neither the time nor the place to explain. The brunette Aussie girl got a body shot taken off her, and her blonde friend seemed particularly unhappy.
-as I'm leaving the 4th & final bar around 2:30AM with a person from my hostel, and we're trying at first to walk home, we see the blonde Aussie girl standing on a street corner. Her hair & clothes are covered in dirt, grass, and leaves, and she is barely coherent. I remember she is in a hostel near us, so we tell her to get in a cab with us. Just then her friend, the brunette comes around the corner and gets into the cab as well.
-the entire 10 minutes of the ride home, these 2 girls are trying to kill each other, swearing at each other, saying how badly they hate one another. The blonde girl says, and I quote, "I am never coming back to this fucking country or anywhere else with you again." She also tries to jump out of the cab while it's moving.
-We get back to our hostel, and I jump out of the cab without saying a word to anyone. My night is over, but I can't help but wonder what the hell happened between these 2 "best friends." And how did the blonde girl end up looking like she rolled around on the ground? So many questions. If you have any theories you'd like to share with me, I'm all ears.
The way I see it there were 2 morals to this story: thank God I'm not a girl, and there are plenty of good reasons to be traveling alone!
Rossco - put some of your souveniers in a FedEx envelope and just ship it back to SF... If you haven't already thought of that. - Ames
ReplyDeleteRoss! That night got even worse after you bailed from us in the taxi. Me and that mexican chick had to help them find their hostel which neither of them had a clue where it was (unless ''It's by the train staion'' counts as directions). So we're walking them all around and we've gotta keep them separated cos they're trying to attack each other! After like 40 minutes of walking down streets then backtracking looking for a landmark that they recognise the retarded blonde chick just pulls a map out of her bag with the hostel marked on it! I was fuckin pissed when I saw this so we just left them too it and went home.
ReplyDeleteThat clears up the end of the night, fuck knows how she ended up looking like she did though. Wish i'd got a photo of it hahaha
Love all those beautiful pictures Ross. As far as the Pub Crawl with those girls- YIKES!!!! Love, Mom
ReplyDeleteFor those reading the above comments, I didn't fully "bail" as Nick mentioned. I actually ran into my hostel to ask the employees where the Aussie girls' hostel was, and by the time I got my answer, the cab was gone. Thanks for the insight Nick.
ReplyDeletehaha dude you totally bailed on us. Good job too, it was soo cold out, I wish i'd been quicker I would've bailed as well haha.
ReplyDeleteps. sorry I didn't catch you the next morning but me and Kori had to get our train to Naples so we couldn't hang around. Hope the rest of the trip goes well
Great Post and great pictures, and as far as the Aussi girls,they fought with each other, hair pulling, cloths ripping, skin fill in the rest. All over you Mr Rossi... Aussi Girls gotta love em'
oh and why did you take pictures of your new friends? :D
ReplyDeleteHey Ross, Ive been to that trade fair in Lazio, its crazy. Nice review of the game, sounds about right especially for Italian soccer. Get Pub crawl story, I'm thinking the one girl (dirty one) was getting laid by the others guy she was interested in outside and the other walked up on her. HAHA, anyway was funny, Jim
ReplyDeleteRoss - one of your best posts yet! Love the soccer reporting - and they all wonder why we love our football?!? That coming from a guy (me) who played soccer most my life. Love the sport, but its like watching a bad movie with the acting after every call.
ReplyDeleteOn to the girls - the elephant in the room is that one of these "best friends" is a switch hitter (the brunette who took the body shot) and blonde is really into just the brunette. The tension of the evening continues on until WWE shakedown Italian style in the streets of Rome when the blonde gets all worked up and ends up on the losing end of the rumble. After stumbling and bumbling around for a while, I am sure they 'made up' once back at the Hostel. Too bad you were not able to work yourself into the 'equation', but your adventure is far from over!
Dude, next time at the flea market or other venue you have the urge to buy women's underwear and XBOX 360 for super discounts, pick up a some kind of video camera and post videos of one of these pub crawls!
Last thing - there was a revolution in the shipping industry about 35 years ago that allows you to take your souvenirs, put them in a sealed receptacle (you can even get insurance) and send them back to the homeland via cargo ship or even Airplane! Can't wait to hear the next adventure! --Tg